Kidz Christmas 2022

Please read over all of the volunteer opportunities below and select where God is leading you to serve.
Check in Kidz at Southgate Apartments before they get on the bus.
Bus Chaperone: Safely load the precious Kidz and families on the buses and engage with them to make it a joyful ride to Target and our Church.
Check-In Kidz at Target Stores and assign each family a shopper elf. 
Shop with Kidz and parents at Target stores and help them stay within the $125 per Kid budget.
Bilingual Host: Help us effectively communicate with Kidz and families.
Photographer: Take pictures of all the fun from the Kidz Arrival to departure.
All on campus Volunteers should report to The Hall at Christ Church at 9:15 and if possible stay until the event is over around 11:30-12:00.
Clean Up Crew: Help clean tables, empty trash, clean up spills or any other clean up task in The Hall during the event.