Group Life Interest Form

We're glad you're interested in Making Room for Community! Please check all that apply.
Sunday School Classes are centered around learning more about what the Bible says and what we believe. These groups cover a wide range of topics and books of the Bible and are great sources of education and training!
Small Groups are the lifeblood of Christ Church. Small Groups focus on building community and challenging one another to apply the truth of God's Word to our lives. Members of Small Groups spend time praying for one another, studying the Word of God together, and encouraging one another to live holy lives.
In a Sermon Discussion Group, you will have the opportunity to talk through the sermons of the week and practical ways that we can live in light of them. Sermon Discussion Groups are a great way to process and internalize the great messages delivered by our pastors! Discussion questions can be provided.
Wesleyan Bands are extremely close-knit, gender specific groups of 3-5 focused on accountability, intentionality, and vulnerability. Band meetings are not about covering content, but about helping each other live truly authentic Christian lives. In a Band, members seek to know their band-mates fully and to be fully known by them.
What are you looking for in a group?: